Clubs International
Lions Clubs
International is the world's largest service club
organization with 1.4 million members in more than 44,500
clubs in approximately 185 countries and geographical areas.
Clubs International Foundation
Clubs International Foundation is Lions helping Lions serve
the world. Donations provide funding in the form of grants
to financially assist Lions districts with large-scale
humanitarian projects that are too extensive for Lions to
finance on their own. The Foundation aids Lions in making a
greater impact in their local communities, as well as around
the world. Through LCIF, Lions ease pain and suffering and
bring healing and hope to people worldwide.
provide both immediate assistance following natural
disasters and long-term disaster relief for reconstruction
efforts. Grants help preserve sight, combat disability,
promote health or serve youth.
Every dollar donated to LCIF goes toward a grant. Lions
support is crucial as donations from Lions provide the
majority of LCIF's revenue. LCIF receives a small amount of
funding from foundations and corporations. It receives no
club dues. LCIF is truly Lions helping Lions.
Since LCIF began in 1968, it has awarded nearly 8,000 grants
totaling US$578 million.
LionNet is a network
of national and state level service sites called LionNet
Nodes. They aim to promote the use of the Internet to
members of Lions Clubs International, the world's largest
service association. Many Lions clubs, districts,
multi-districts and programs operate their own Internet
websites, this site provides a directory of those resources.
Multiple District 2
is truly the birthplace of Lionism. Lions International came
into official being in Texas at the first convention in
October, 1917. This convention was held at the Adolphus
Hotel in Dallas and the name "Lion" was accepted as the name
of our organization. Texas, from the inception of Lions
International, has always occupied a prominent place in the
affairs of Lions International. This dedication to
leadership and innovation continues today.
With 1.35 million members serving in more
than 45,000 clubs in over 197 countries and geographical
areas, Lions Clubs International is the world's largest
service club organization. Texas has 31,000 members serving
in more than 970 clubs supporting Lions International.
Lions District
Lions Camp
Texas Lions Camp is
a residential camping facility for children with physical
disabilities, type 1 diabetes and cancer. The Camp is
located on over 500 acres in the beautiful Texas Hill
Country, and is designed to introduce the "Can Do"
philosophy to children dealing with special medical
World Services For The Blind
LWSB is a
comprehensive adult rehabilitation center serving people who
are blind or visually impaired from all states and other
countries. It was founded in 1947 to serve people who were
blind and visually impaired, and who needed to learn
independent living skills or job training skills that
considered the special requirements of their individual
visual impairments. The goal of the rehabilitation center
then, and today, is to prepare the individual who is blind
or visually impaired to function independently in our
"sighted" society.
Dogs For The Blind
We are
dedicated to enhancing the lives of blind and visually
impaired individuals. Since 1939, we have been providing
highly trained Leader Dogs. Today, our services include the
Accelerated Mobility Program, technology training, and other
personal education skills. Whether you live in Spain,
Taiwan, or right next door to us in Rochester, Michigan,
Leader Dog is a great option for those looking to enhance
their independence!
All Texas Dachshund
Rescue, Inc., is made up of a group of
volunteers whose primary goal is to rescue, rehabilitate and
re-home disabled and otherwise endangered Dachshunds who
have found themselves homeless for one reason or another. It
is our policy that no dogs will be adopted out without first
being spayed or neutered, have had all vaccines updated, are
heartworm negative, are on heartworm preventative, and have
had all other health issues we consider important to the
pet’s life addressed that we are able.